Django Portfolio
This section of the website contains my Django projects.
Currently it has some projects under the name of:
Django Geoapp + Vue.js 3
Project Goals
Use Django admin site to import data from different sources (CSV, JSON, ...) into the database.
Use the power of Folium to visualize data generated from Django Database on a Leaflet JS map.
Visualize data using Folium's Simple Markers.
Users can register for an account, login, and update their information (handled by Cookiecutter Django)
Authenticated users can add, import, or export data using django forms.
Use Vue.js 3 (using Vite ) and axios to fetch the data from the backend and display it in a Bootstrap Table.
Project Files
Project Preview
Libraries and Packages used
Advanced Django Blog
A project built with Django web framework and Bootstrap.
Project Goals
All users can read or search for the posts on the blog.
Authenticated users can:
Access a GraphQL endpoint and Run several Queries and Mutations.
Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) blog posts on the website.
Add comments on blog posts, but the comments will not be shown until the website admin approves it.
Access their profile which lists all their added blog posts.
Project files
Project preview
Project Description:
This project is a Django project called blog_backend
and it has four registered apps and one third-party app.
app which contains an app-level templates and urls, used for most of the functionalities of our app, like, models, forms, views, urls, and custom template tags.The
app which contains the Django Rest Framework integration used to build a REST API.The
which contains the Graphene Django integration used to build a GraphQL endpoint.The
app which usesdjango.contrib.auth.urls
to allow users register and login to their accounts.
What could you learn from this project?
Create Django models and define relationships between the database fields.
Use both Django Class-based and Function-based views.
Create custom Django template tags, (In this project I created a simple custom template tag that return the number of comments on each blog post).
How to use page pagination on your website.
How to associate each blog post to its author.
How to protect your post so that only you who can modify or delete it.
Throw a 403 forbidden page to any user who try to guess the URL to change something they are not authorized to do.
Create a search form on your website.
Use a REST API endpoint.
Use Graphene Django to add a GraphQL endpoint and use to run several Queries and Mutations.
Libraries and Packages used:
django-crispy-forms package
UI components from the official Bootstrap 5.2 website documentation.
Django Todo App
A project built with Django web framework and Bootstrap
Project Goals
Users can register to our website to create todos.
Users can Create, Read, Update and Delete the todos form the website.
Once logged in, Users can access a REST API of the our website, which also allows them to use CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations.
Project Functionalities:
Only logged in users can add todos from the website or the API.
The list todo page of the website and the API will show only the todos which the logged in user created. Meaning, Only the author of the todo who can perform CRUD operations.
If one user tried to test URLs to reach another user's todo a 403 Forbidden page is displayed.
Once logged in Users can access a REST API which has a filtering framework built with django-filter package, which allows the user to filter the todos by their state (completed or not completed).
Project Files
Project Preview
Libraries and Packages used
Django Rest Framework package
UI components from the official Bootstrap 4.6 website documentation.
Django and folium
Project Goals
Use the power of Folium package to visualize data generated from Django Database on a Leaflet JS map.
Use Django Admin Site to Import and Export data into and from the database.
Visualize data using Folium's Simple Markers and Marker Cluster.